Half way through September...

And the local church where I serve has already begun their Stewardship Campaign for 2010. Earliest I can recall them doing it in the 25 years I've been here. The second message will be given this coming Sunday, the 20th. And Consecration Sunday will occur on October 4. Really early.
Why mention this? Well, the folks who've been gone all summer are just now returning to their "routine" of attending church again, and they're walking in to hear people talk about giving to the church. Happens every year in the fall, usually later in the calender than now. They aren't ready yet.
The real shame of all this is that we fail to stress how important stewardship is year round, in many different ways. But on more than one occasion I've heard people say that they're tired of "hearing about money all the time." Yet true stewardship isn't about money but about our willingness to give of ourselves to honor God in Christ Jesus. What are we afraid of? That we might actually be the face of Christ to the world? That it may transform our lives to where we'll want to be involved, to share the love of God, and be His face, hands, and feet?
It's time to become what we're called to be... let's get out of our comfort zones, out of our comfortable little "faith" boxes, and be the Church.