Still waiting

That's right. I'm still waiting to hear all about the wonderful ideas of how to increase attendance and plant new churches. Nope, nothing yet... and still we see the numbers diminish. Where's the information that will allow the UMC to experience rebirth and revival?
It's been a month since Annual Conference, what's the plan? Or is it a big, dark, super secret that only certain members of the clergy are privy to?
I wonder how John Wesley would react to the situation we find ourselves in today. Knowing him, he'd probably start preaching in the streets... but wait, we don't do that anymore. Couldn't afford to offend someone, could we?
As a pastor I start with the basic assumption that people need Jesus. I also assume that bodies are healthier then they get closer to 100% functioning. In too many of our churches we have 25-40% of the body in attendance and participating - and we think we're ok. Actually we're on lifesupport and don't know it.
In my experience increasing attendance (thinking of the local church) requires several things):
1. Solid preaching.
2. Attractive music (different in each population).
3. Positive attitudes in the congregation.
4. Sustained, strategic prayer.
5. High expectations.
6. Dogged stubbornness and repetition.
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