What a Wonderful Three Days!

Got back into town late Saturday afternoon after an eventful 3 day stretch in Northern Virginia. I, along with our youth minister and one of the office staff, attended the LeadNow conference that was being hosted by McLean Bible Church. Three glorious days of speakers like Mark Batterson, Dan Kimball, and Donald Miller, great praise music by the Frontline Band, awesome worship, meaningful breakout sessions, and Caedmon's Call. Boy, am I pumped!
The reality of everything is slowly taking effect, and I'm wondering how to successfully communicate what we experienced to rest of the church staff and pastors. It ain't gonna be easy.
There's some wonderful things about to happen with God's kingdom, and I want this church... no, this congregation, to be a part of that. Pray for me as I try to impart the information to people who don't understand that doing "church" is more than an hour on Sunday morning.
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