Lent fast approaches

Once more we start to turn our thoughts toward the Lenten Season of the church. Ash Wednesday is but a mere 2 weeks away, and the church begins it's introspective look at itself in this season of reflection. Seems like we just had Christmastide and Epiphany, but it will have been 6 and a half weeks since then. Next year it'll come even sooner- one month after 12th Night (Jan. 6) we'll celebrate Ash Wednesday (Feb. 6). With the result that Easter will be even earlier in 2008.
What does all of this mean? The church seems to stumble along from liturgical season to liturgical season, never really paying attention to what each one truly means. And as a result we allow ourselves to get caught up in the secular rather than the sacred. Think for a moment, when was the last time you really gave thought to the miracle of Jesus' birth? Of the wonder of the shepherds as they were sitting in a dark field that suddenly was filled with angels singing. How you felt as the candles were lit to celebrate on Christmas eve during a worship service. Or on Maundy Thursday at the Table? And Good Friday.. whatever happened to the afternoon worship services that were held to remember His sacrifice? Easter seems to be about new dresses, hats, flowers blooming, and the promise of warmer temperatures as spring appears. Not about the empty tomb and His resurrection.
As far as that goes, when was the last time you truly worshiped? The way in which you celebrated and gave praise for all that God has done for you communicates more about your attitude than anything else you may do. Or has the weekly church service become just one more chore, one more thing to take care of as you live from day to day? As we enter into the next church season may we all reflect on these questions and do a deep, in depth examination of our spiritual lives. Our eternal lives might depend on what we find out about ourselves.
Good for people to know.
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