How Much More?

Can we take that is. Living in Virginia, one of the "toss up states" they keep talking about on the news, we're being swamped by political ads. Not only for all of the local elections, but with the ads for the Presidential candidates as well. It's not been pretty, and someone from another country not familiar with what the US political scene has degenerated to over the years would be hard pressed to figure out what it is we're in favor of. Oh, they'd surely know what we're against... and how each candidate feels about the other. It's a wonder we're still here as a country with all the mud slinging that's been going on over the years. And it doesn't help when we have religious figures added into the mix.
Nowhere in the Bible do I see Jesus telling us to be preaching politics. But He does tell us two very important things, of which we should all be mindful: Love God, Love People. That was His response when asked about the greatest commandment of all. Never mind the flowery, poetic language which has been written in the various translations, that's the basics of what He told us to do. Where in the rhetoric over the last few months has any candidate said the same thing? At the very least the second part of what Jesus said. And have they, by how we've seen them act, lived out the first part?
As the country moves forward to November 4 and the election let me encourage all of us to pray for our country. Pray that the people chosen to lead us will be willing to listen for God's voice as they make decisions. Don't pray for any one candidate or party, for God is neither a Democrat or a Republican. But He is good, all the time.
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